Gallimaufry Under Threat

From Gallimaufry Gallery, Blairmore, Argyllshire

Is Gallimaufry Gallery Really Under Threat? ...

It sure looks like it from our view point - what do you think?

Dear Scottish Art Lovers,

We have recently had notification of a proposed cafe development next door to Gallimaufry which we feel could have serious detrimental effect on our viability.

As supporters and friends of Scottish Artists and galleries we feel you aught know about this and we include below copy of our letter of objection to the Planning Dept. at National Park which should make it clear why we feel approval of a cafe so close to Gallimaufry could be economically harmful to the welfare of both our business and the many local artists and craft people we have been supporting over the past 8 years.

If you agree or are in sympathy with our objections to this proposal (as we highlight below), we would urge you to make your views known to the Director of Planning,
National Park Headquarters,
Balloch Road,
Balloch G83 8BF


Jean and Hilary

Gallimaufy's Objection
To The Proposed Cafe at Blairmore

Director of Planning,
National Park Headquarters,
Balloch Road,
Balloch G83 8BF

Dear Sir,

At Gallimaufry we are a small rural business, a 2-person partnership that has been in operation for 8 years incorporating an art/craft gallery and café adjacent to Blairmore pier.

Having now received formal notification of plans for a new café development within 20 metres of our own, submitted to you by Blairmore Heritage Ltd., we wish to lodge a formal strong objection to the café element of the proposed development and reiterate the points we made in our letter of 29/01/07, a copy of which we include.

Whilst we welcome other businesses and facilities, we object to the cafe development on several grounds:

A second café in a village economy would not be sustainable or viable
  • There is no public demand for further café facilities. We have never turned customers away because of lack of space.
  • Older local people assure us that historically cafés have frequently opened in the village and all have closed for non-viability, even when the pier was fully operating. We have survived only by being multi-functional, by selling art and craft and running art and craft classes with local tutors as well as having the café facilities.
  • A café alone would not be viable. We have adapted our menu to give visitors a good range of options whilst minimising wastage.
A duplication of café facilities immediately next door to ours would impact on our viability
  • The quantifiable income from our café accounts for just over 30% of our total income
  • The unquantifiable factor comes from impulse art/craft purchases by café visitors
  • With any reduction on this income we would be made non-viable as already our personal remuneration is well below the minimum wage. We cannot operate at less.
  • If planning is allowed, our existing business would almost certainly be forced to close.
Closure of our business at Gallimaufry would have severe detrimental effect on local economy
  • Currently we support 45 artists and 50 crafts people all of whom are local.
  • For many we are their main outlet in an area of high unemployment.
  • Last year we sold £50,000 worth of arts, of which we retain only a small commission. The overall sales constitute a sizeable figure in a small village community.
  • Local artists and craftspeople value this income.
  • We employ young people at weekends and holidays, giving work experience and income.
  • We employ local artists and craftspeople as tutors for classes.
  • Village economy is fragile.
We have had a major effect in regeneration of the village community and this is ongoing
  • Our heavy personal financial investment and time investment has saved a listed building from dereliction. Our premises had been empty for several years and needed major upgrading. The entire village heart was missing with closed and run-down retail properties, only a Church of Scotland charity shop was open. Gallimaufry initiated vitality in the village and now all the shops on the row are operational.
  • New solo exhibitions monthly and art and craft events bring many visitors to an area which previously had few.
  • We actively promote the area and the other businesses within that area - See current Home Plus publication for 6 page article on our area organised by Gallimaufry
  • We would be in total support of any new business which would compliment existing ones.
There are many other retail possibilities which would add to what we have already achieved in revitalising rural economy, (e.g. farm / local produce shop, garden shop, antiques or some other exclusive retail). This would enhance the village.

We would be in total support of facilities aimed at increasing the enjoyment of walkers, bikers and other sportsmen and visitors to this part of the National Park.

The proposed café development is inadvisable in accordance to the Argyll and Bute Local Plan
-the sustainable checklist items 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 16 in particular:
1- Does the project have widespread community support?
2- Does the project strengthen local economy?
4- Does the project have impact on existing facilities?
5- Does it help increase value of local products or make sustainable use of existing resources?
6- Does it retain existing jobs?
16- Will the project bring positive changes?

We understand one of the 3 primary objectives of the Scottish Planning Policy is to set the land use frame work for promoting sustainable economic development (pp2 Scottish Planning Policy Nov. 2002). Another stated aim in Argyll and Bute Local Plan, June 2006, is the encouragement of art and craft works and Policy LP BUS 3 in this document refers to safeguarding existing businesses.

We refute arguments from Blairmore Heritage Ltd. that the proposed development would not be a threat and feel that it does not fit in with their stated vision and values, to work in partnership with members and organisations within the local community to achieve mutual ambitions.
We believe a site visit is essential before adjudication on this matter.

We feel the above reasoning would support our objection to a café business next door to our own and await your response.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Jean Thompson and Hilary Barr


If you wish to support this objection to the proposed cafe so close to the Gallimaury, please make your feelings known to the
Director of Planning,
National Park Headquarters,
Balloch Road,
Balloch G83 8BF

and email a copy of your comments to


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